Event Details

Do you want to offer structured internships within your company?

Do you want to qualify your employees to become official in-company trainers?

After our previous Structured Internship Support Info Sharing on 4 May 2023, SwissCham, in collaboration with S4C and KADIN Indonesia, we will be organizing a Training forIn-company Trainer (In-CT) in Jakarta.

In this training participants will learn and actively practice the following 4 modules:

  1. Analyse training needs
  2. Plan training
  3. Conduct training
  4. Conclude and evaluate training

This will enable your in-company trainer to prepare and organize structured internships or apprenticeships within your company. Thereby, your company will take securing your future workforce into your own hands.

After successfully passing the final examination (written and oral exam), participants receive an In-Company Trainer certificate by the Indonesian-German Chamber of Commerce (EKONID).

It is important to only enrol suitable participants. Therefore, the person you chose to become a qualified in-company training must be actively engaged in the organization of training/internship/apprenticeships within your company.

To ensure the efficiency of the training and its impact to the investing companies, it is advised that the participants are:

  1. Persons in charge for internship/ apprenticeship in the company. HR persons or technical mentors are welcomed.
  2. Possessing technical knowledge, skills & competence as proven by certification or minimum of 3 years experiences.
  3. Members of middle or top management.
  4. Minimum of 3 years working experience in the current company.
  5. Having interest for HR development & pedagogical as well as andragogical training and education.

Employers who send their in-company trainers to the training must make sure that they are available to attend for 6 days in a row, from 8:00 WIB to 17:00 WIB.

The training is limited for 12 participants and for SwissCham Member Companies, we will charge you with special price of IDR 2,500,000,- per person (excluding the accommodation). Seats are given on first come, first serve basis.

Register to secretariat@swisscham.or.id before 15 June 2023.