Friday, October 8, 2021 (15:00 - 16:30) GMT+7
Professor Budihardjo is an expert in Human Resource Management, Comparative Management, Organizational Psychology, and Knowledge Management. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Teacher Training and Education from the IKIP State of Surabaya, a masters' degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from the University of Indonesia, and a Ph.D.'s degree in Management and Organization from the University of Groningen, Netherlands, through a scholarship Ubbo Emmius. He holds a range of academic experience in teaching, supervising, and researching at local and foreign universities. In addition to teaching, Prof. Budihardjo is also active in consultations and speaker roles at schools, companies, state institutions, and associations, both nationally and internationally, with focused areas of education, organization, and management.
He has received several awards, including the acknowledgement as an expert of Organizational and Industrial Psychology from APIO & HIMPSI (The Indonesian Association of Psychologists Organizations). He has authored several books, chapters in books, case studies, articles/research results for journals, proceedings, magazines and management forums. His most recently published book, "Building Sustainable Organization", is intended to be presented to a broader audience.